Common myths about fertility abound in most women’s sessions. Such myths are not based on scientific grounds, and may cause many problems, especially for first-time pregnant women. For this reason, we will tell you about the most common myths and what science says about them:
Common fertility myths:
If you are planning to have a baby then you should learn about the most common myths and the truth behind them:
– A delayed pregnancy indicates a problem
– The truth: 80% of women may not conceive for one year after marriage, even though they have sex during ovulation. This means that delayed conception is only a problem if it is delayed for more than a year.
– People who have good health do not suffer from fertility problems
– The truth: There is no direct link between fertility problems and physical health. Symptoms of fertility problems do not appear on the body, which means that men or women should make the necessary medical and laboratory tests to ensure that their reproductive system and fertility are functioning at peak efficiency.
– Women enjoy high fertility until the age of 35
– The truth: Studies found that fertility is at its highest level during twenties. It starts to decline in the thirties. There are cases, however, where women suffered infertility in their twenties, while some women became pregnant in their fourties.
– The more sex, the more chances of conception
– The truth: There is no relationship between intercourse frequency and conception. Rather, it is associated with the days of ovulation. Pregnancy occurs when the egg is ready for the sperm.
– Women often link the 14th day of period with conception
– The truth: This is only true for women with regular menstrual cycle every twenty-eight days.
– Stress affects conception
– The truth: Doctors ruled out any impact of stress on conception.
– Conception occurs immediately after stopping contraceptives
– The truth: It is normal not to conceive for several months after stopping contraceptives. Moreover, normal couples have a 25% chance of perception only, despite having sex during ovulation.
– Belly shape can determine if you are having a girl or a boy
– The truth: This is one of the most well-known myths, but it has no scientific evidence.
– Eating for “two” while pregnant
– The truth: It is not about the quantity but the quality of food. Focus should be on proteins and carbohydrates intake should be cut.
– Calcium intake during pregnancy increases the baby’s head size
– The truth: Calcium is important for the health of the mother and her unborn baby. If she does not take enough calcium, her unborn baby is going to leach its necessary calcium supply directly from the mother’s body, leaving the mother with weaker bones and teeth.
– Changing sides while sleeping will wrap umbilical cord around the baby’s neck
– The truth: This is completely wrong. The best sleeping position for a pregnant woman, however, is on the left side since sleeping on the back builds pressure on the aorta causing pressure hypotension and reducing blood supply to the mother and her baby. Further, sleeping on the right side builds pressure on the kidneys by the uterus.
– You should avoid exercises during pregnancy
– The truth: Exercising is very important to maintain a healthy body. Exercises help it gain stamina and energy, and therefore eases birth. Further, exercises improve the performance of the digestive tract, thus, preventing constipation. They also improve the pregnant women’s mood, reduce back pain, and prevent gestational diabetes. Therefore, you should walk, swim, and do yoga for 30 minutes a day.
– Boiled eggs boost labor
– The truth: Eating eggs causes indigestion, and thus abdominal bloating and pain. When doctors anesthetize the woman during labor, the food will return to respiratory tract causing many problems. Doctors often recommend taking sugary drinks and fresh fruit as they provide energy and ease childbirth.
– Labor is extremely painful
– The truth: labor pain is bearable as there are drugs to ease the pain for each stage of labor. There are also centers to train pregnant woman on breathing exercises to help her relax and control the pain.
– Getting an epidural needle is dangerous
– The truth: The most common side effect of the needle is the back pain caused by the needle. This pain fades away in three days after birth, while the headache goes away once the mother recovers.
– Vaginal birth is impossible after CS
– The truth: This depends on the reason for the cesarean section. For instance, if the mother has a narrow pelvis, she has to go for a CS with any childbirth. The case is different if the reason was conditional, like when the unborn baby is not in a head-down position or when the placenta is blocking the cervix (placenta previa). If these are the cases, the mother can have a vaginal birth next time. Studies indicate that the proportion of a normal delivery after cesarean section ranges from 60% to 70%.
– Women who give birth through CS may not have more than four children
– The truth: The frequency of the CS depends on the general condition of the mother, such as having diabetes, hypertension, the state of the uterus and previous births’ complications.
– The second birth is easier than the first
– The truth: Every birth has its own circumstances, depending on the mother’s age and the size and development of the baby.
– Breastfeeding adds weight.
– The truth: Quite the contrary, breastfeeding reduces your weight where it burns approximately 1000 calorie a day.
– Drinking milk increases milk flow when breastfeeding.
– The truth: Drinking milk for nursing woman causes bloating to your baby and is not linked to making the milk. To get calcium, you can have milk derivatives instead.
These are some of the common myths about fertility. Always remember that each pregnancy is unique and that your doctor can answer your inquiries. So do not hesitate to ask any question.