
baby suffering reflux
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What is Reflux?

Reflux is similar to heartburn that adults get where the acid and contents of the stomach come back up.

This is due to the valve at the entrance to the stomach is not developed properly.


What are the symptoms of Reflux?

The first sign of reflux is possetting, where milk comes back after each feed. Some babies vomit or have hiccups, and reflux can happen in both breastfed or formula fed babies. You should consult your health visitor or doctor if your baby:-

  • regularly has reflux more than four or five times a day
  • vomits a lot
  • coughs after a feed
  • cries a lot after feeds.

What are the treatments and remedies of Reflux?

As long as your baby is feeding well and seems happy and contented there’s no need for medical intervention. You might find things improve if you feed them in as upright a position and keep them upright for up to half an hour after a feed. Burp your baby regularly during and after feeds.

 In severe cases, your doctor might prescribe a special thickening agent that you can add to your expressed breast milk or formula. Although you can buy some of these from pharmacies, you should never alter your baby’s feeds without the advice of a doctor or health visitor. There’s also an infant formulation that your doctor might prescribe that can be mixed with your expressed milk or your baby’s formula. If none of these strategies help your baby, your doctor might suspect an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk and suggest you cut it out from your diet temporarily if you’re breastfeeding. In formula fed babies, a hypoallergenic formula might help. If your baby has severe symptoms, fails to put on weight or loses weight, your doctor will refer him to a pediatrician for further investigation.



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