Despite your baby’s eyelids still being fused shut, your baby’s eyes are moving around, and your little one now has eyebrows and eyelashes! Your baby is about the size of a pear, and weighs nearly 120g, and even though your little one has had hiccups before, you should now be able to feel it! Body fat is beginning to develop on your baby, and will continue to do so in a healthy fashion over the next few months. Your baby’s body is now in proportion with his or her head, and sweat glands have begun to develop. The placenta matches the baby in size and maintains levels of minerals, fats, proteins, and oxygen, along with removing waste and filtering carbon dioxide.
Although your tummy may have shown signs of protruding, prepare for a full on baby bump, as your womb now has a growth spurt, this time outwards as well as upwards! By the time you actually go into labor, your womb is a thousand times the size it was before pregnancy! For most women long gone are the days of nausea and morning sickness.
Your baby is growing rapidly and constantly sending you signals and messages to eat! Be careful to watch this though, even though healthy weight gain is important for you and you little one at this stage of pregnancy, it’s also important that you keep a healthy diet and don’t literally ‘eat for two’, (even though you are!), otherwise you can easily find yourself far more overweight than you anticipated!
At seventeen weeks pregnant you may still not look as if you are pregnant when you are dressed, but your usual clothes will feel tight and dressing more of a challenge. It is frustrating struggling to accommodate changes of waist size and breast size and this can be upsetting. Shopping for some new clothes will lift your mood and it will make you feel more in control to have clothes you can reach for that you know will look nice and be comfortable.
If you have any symptoms that concern you it is important to consult your doctor as soon as you can.