Watching your baby grow is one of the most exciting parts of parenthood. It is impossible to not get excited when you baby discovers new things. The age bracket of 3-6 months is especially fun because they are just coming out of the newborn stage. During these months you will see your baby go from doing very little to doing things like sitting up. Get ready to have some fun!
Hey! What’s that!?
Your baby will start to be surprised and amazed at the simple existence of things like their own hands and feet. You will find them staring at their hands in amazement and grabbing their toes. They will do these things over and over as they start to notice their ability to control their extremities and different sensations of touch. Expect to find your sweet bundle of joy with their toes in their mouth. No worries, this phase will pass before they have to present themselves properly in public.
Get a Grip
All those cute decorative things you have been using may need to be reconsidered at this point. It won’t be long before they grab the crib mobile or those toys on their car seat. After a while they will get enough strength to pull them down. Make sure all their toys are age appropriate and safe. A mobile is a big item that could be painful if pulled down on top of your child. They are building little muscles now.
It’s not quite time to crawl yet, but the things your baby does now will prepare for the next milestones. Tummy time is the best way to help your baby get ready for moving on their own. Lay a quilt down and lay your baby on their stomach. Watch in delight as they move their arms and legs like they are swimming. To help encourage movement, place some favorite toys within reach. This helps motivate them to get to a certain point. Watch for signs that your baby is getting frustrated or worn out during tummy time. This is meant to be a positive exercise, but holding their head up in this position can be a lot of work for little bodies.
Rock and Roll
One day soon you will walk into the room and find your baby on their tummy when you specifically remember putting them on their back. Congratulations, your baby has learned to roll from back to tummy. They will probably go from tummy to back first, however. Be sure to keep sleeping areas and changing stations safe since your baby can now move around more.
And…They are up
All this moving and exercising is helping to build your baby’s muscles. By the end of the 3-6 month development period, you may very well have a baby that can sit up on their own. This is a very exciting moment, as they can join family activities a little easier now. Your baby can sit with you at the dinner table in a high chair (they don’t have to be eating solids yet to enjoy your company) or sit on the floor and enjoy their siblings during playtime.
The 3-6 month physical milestones are very exciting and movement oriented. Enjoy the last few months you have before you are chasing a crawling baby all over the place! Get in some good snuggles while your baby is practicing sitting up and cheer them on through the rolling over. As always, have fun with your baby.