Emotional Intelligence Development Specialist NLP Coach (Parent Coach)

Tanya Fakhoury completed her bachelor degree in business administration from the Lebanese American University in Beirut-Lebanon and moved to Dubai in 2005 where she pursued a career in advertising and media planning. During her corporate life, Tanya was introduced to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and was immediately fascinated by its unlimited powers to improve emotional intelligence, personal & professional relationships. This life changing encounter encouraged her to gain more knowledge in the subject so she pursued a certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming at Masters and Coach levels with NFNLP(www.nfnlp.com) in the United States .More over, she trained in EFT and Hypnotherapy subsequently giving birth to her son using hypno-birthing in USA. Tanya is now member of the NGH as a Consulting Hypnotherapist. (www.ngh.net)As a mother who worked fulltime in media, Tanya knows how it feels to be stressed and overburdened whilst providing both her children the safety and security they deserve. She was able to be a better mother-communicator having learned the skills she will show you in her courses and one to one. She and her husband have raised emotionally intelligent children using these skills.

Tel:  +9714 390 2217
E-mail: tanya@changeassociates.ae

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