Increase your pregnancy chances with 3 simple steps

Increase your pregnancy chances with 3 simple steps

Here are 3 steps both women and men can take to help increase the chances of natural conception and also a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The chances of becoming pregnant are lowered by being overweight. A body mass index (BMI) of over 29 can trigger the overproduction oestrogen which becomes stored within the fat cells; this can cause hormone imbalances that may reduce ovulation. Losing between 5 and 10 per cent of your body weight if you are in this situation can trigger ovulation again and you will also be in better health for your pregnancy by losing this extra weight. Take advice ahead of planning your pregnancy if you are overweight so that you can give yourself time to lose the weight safely and steadily. Being underweight also affects female fertility and a BMI of 19 or less can affect the menstrual cycle and cause hormone imbalances and even the cessation of ovulation. A healthy weight is very important for conception, for pregnancy and birth, it is worth paying attention to.
If a man is overweight this can also affect the male hormone, testosterone reducing sperm count, and men who are under a healthy weight.

Quit Smoking

Smoking affects female and male fertility; it is also one of the main causes of low birth weight. Quitting smoking will reduce the risk of pregnancy complications as well as reducing the risk of problems in labor and delivery. Babies born to a smoking mother are not only likely to be of lower birth weight but also they are more likely to have problems keeping warm and are more prone to infection. Smoking also increases the risk of premature birth and also sudden infant death syndrome.

Limit alcohol

Heavy drinking can definitely affect fertility, increasing the length of time it takes to get pregnant and reducing the chances of having a healthy baby.
Drinking alcohol before pregnancy is also known to affect a women’s health. Women who consume large amounts of alcohol (seven or more drinks a week or more than three drinks on one occasion) are more likely to have heavy or irregular periods and take longer to get pregnant.
Male fertility is also lowered by alcohol which lowers sperm count and can even lead to erectile disfunction.
Baby-Arabia.com recommends maintaining a healthy weight and not drinking or smoking.

Categories: Preconception