Week Nine of Pregnancy

Your baby at week nine of pregnancy

At nine weeks of pregnancy your baby is about the size of a cherry or green olive. Many of your little one’s organs are now up and running including the gallbladder, pancreas and reproductive organs, although it’s still too early to determine the gender of the embryo on an ultrasound.

Your baby’s head, approximately half the length of the entire body, is tucked down to his or her chest, the tissue giving the webbed appearance to their fingers has started to recede and the fingers and thumbs have had a growth spurt and currently appear enlarged at the tips, where their unique finger prints will develop.

Your baby’s heart is now possibly audible if a hand held ultrasound scanner device is used, but it does depend on the position of the baby at the time of the scan, so don’t panic if you don’t hear anything at the first scan. In a few weeks, at your next scan you will definitely be able to hear something!

Your body at week nine of pregnancy

Your body is working extremely hard during the first trimester of pregnancy. The developing placenta and providing energy for your fetus’s growth has boosted you metabolism and caused your blood sugar levels to drop, which can cause you to feel extremely fatigued and tired all the time. Tiredness is not helped by frequent nigh-time trips to the toilet, either as a result of morning sickness or the increasing pressure on your bladder. This is normal, and fortunately this fatigue should decrease in the second trimester when the growing of the placenta is complete.

What you may be feeling at week nine of pregnancy

Although you are probably not ready for maternity wear with a defined ‘bump’ yet, you are probably not comfortable in restrictive jeans, and really feeling the tightness around your waistband. This is especially unhelpful if you are suffering from intermittent waves of nausea throughout the day, it’s definitely time to think about making stretchy breathable clothing such as leggings and flowing tops the center of your wardrobe. Your bras are most likely feeling a lot less comfortable due to your swelling breasts, do not ignore this, get fitted for a more comfortable, appropriate sized bra that will support you through to your transition to maternity bras.

Common symptoms at week nine of pregnancy

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Tender or tingly breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability or unexpected emotions
  • Heartburn or constipation
  • Food aversions or cravings
  • Increased hunger

Tips for week nine of pregnancy

  • Wear an extra supportive bra to relieve sore breasts. A sports bra may also help.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods to combat constipation and provide fullness.
  • To help prevent dizziness stand up slowly, don’t skip meals (eat regularly even if only a small snack) and avoid standing still in one place for too long.

If you have any symptoms that concern you it is important to consult your doctor as soon as you can.