Teething – Signs & Symptoms

Teething – Signs & Symptoms

Teething starts with the bottom front teeth and usually these make an appearance at 5-7 months of age.  Teething can be a tricky time for parents and child. Some seem to teeth grow with little or no pain or discomfort at all and just seem to appear in your child’s mouth overnight!  Other times you may notice one or several symptoms that a tooth is coming through. It is important always to check for other reasons for your baby to be exhibiting any of the below symptoms listed below particularly ear discomfort or fever, but here are some clues that teeth are on their way.

Signs to look out for

  • You may notice that a gum is sore and red where the tooth is coming through.
  • A tooth may be visible below the gum
  • Your baby may have a flushed cheek on the side the tooth is coming through.
  • Your baby may drool land dribble more than usual
  • Your baby may try to bite, chew and suck on everything he or she can get his or her hands on.
  • Your baby may rub his or her face on one side.
  • There may be swollen bulging areas of the gum.
  • Your baby may be generally fretful and unsettled with no other explanation.
  • Your baby may have difficulty sleeping or may wake more than usual.
  • Your baby may grab or pull their ears particularly on one side.
  • Some people attribute diarrhoea and fever to teething where no other explanation is apparent, however there is little research to prove that these symptoms are linked.

You know your baby best.  If their behavior seems unusual or their symptoms are severe or causing you concern than seek medical advice from your care professional.  Teething can be a difficult time for parents and baby, but it is short lived and with comfort and understanding you can help your little one through the teething troubles.