Natural Ways to Relieve Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is very common and does not mean that your baby is not looked after properly. Diaper rash should be treated promptly though or it can lead to sever soreness and blistering or possibly a bacterial or yeast infection. The main cause of diaper rash is when your baby is exposed too long to a soiled diaper,. It can also be caused by digestive problems, food allergies, sensitivity to laundry or wash products, or a yeast infection. Diaper rash is characterized by sore red skin in the diaper area.

Natural Ways to Relieve Diaper Rash

The first thing you can do if your baby is suffering from diaper rash is to allow your baby plenty of time with no diaper on so that the skin can breathe and heal in the air. There are also many natural or home treatments that you can try, to ease the soreness and accelerate the healing process.


Stale urine is extremely alkaline in nature and can burn a baby’s soft skin like an acid. Vinegar can balance out the acidity.

  • If you are using reusable diapers or cloth diapers, rinse them in a vinegar solution. Add one-half cup of vinegar to half a bucket of water and use it to rinse your baby’s diapers.
  • Make a very weak vinegar solution by adding one teaspoon of white vinegar to one cup of water. Use this solution to wipe your baby’s bottom when changing the diaper. This simple step will help to make your baby’s bottom resistant to yeast.

Petroleum Jelly

Many paediatricians recommend applying a thin layer of protective coating on the baby’s soft skin every time you change a diaper. Petroleum jelly is perfect for this purpose. It helps protect the skin on the nappy area from the irritants of soiling. Clean your baby’s bottom with warm water, pat dry with a soft towel or cloth and apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

Corn starch

Corn starch absorbs moisture, making it a great treatment for diaper rash. It will help keep your baby’s skin dry, reduce diaper friction and prevent diaper rash. Lightly sprinkle corn starch on the on your baby’s clean dry skin.

Baking soda

Dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in about four cups of water. Use this mixture to wash your baby’s bottom with before using a fresh clean diaper. You can also add two table spoons of baking soda to your baby’s bath.


Oatmeal soothes a baby’s skin and helps preserve the skin’s natural protective barrier. It also contains the chemical compound saponin, which helps remove unwanted oils and dirt from the skin’s pores. Add a tablespoon of oatmeal to your baby’s bath water and let your baby soak in the water for 10 to 15 minutes whilst you bath and play with your baby.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties as well as being a great moisturizer. You can use it as a barrier on the diaper area or add it to your baby’s bath water but be careful your baby doesn’t slip as it will make your grip on your baby slippery.

Have you tried any of these natural diaper rash remedies? What natural remedies have you found to be helpful for diaper rash?