Guide to Alkaline Your Foods

This alkaline foods reference chart will help you decode your diet and stay on the right track.

We’ve heard these things a million times – but have we done them all today? Let’s dive deep on the topic of alkaline foods and basics and get this knowledge deeply embedded into our daily routines…

Symptoms of being too acidic are wide-ranging, including slow digestion, yeast imbalances and fungal infections, as well as viruses, low energy, hormone imbalances, osteoporosis, free radical damage, accelerated aging, weight gain and cardiovascular damage. In addition, stress, as well natural cellular processes, also create acidity in the body, making it all the more important to fuel and balance the body with more alkaline foods.

Most alkaline foods are:

  • Lemon and lime
  • Himalayan and sea salt
  • Still water alkaline 9
  • Watery green vegetables like cucumbers and celery
  • Dark leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables like kale, collard greens, spinach and cabbage
  • Sea vegetables and algae
  • Wheatgrass and most sprouts and sprouted grasses

To become most alkaline you should do a detox@home like Caroline’s online detox program, read more here: