Detox at Home

Did you know that gorging on spring’s best produce is great for liver health?

Do you struggle with acne, breakouts, rashes or eczema that show up for no apparent reason? Do you deal with food and/or seasonal allergies? What about menstrual irregularities? If any of these issues, plus bloating, sluggishness, or feeling overly-emotional sound like just another Tuesday to you, it could be that your liver is trying to get your attention. And it may be calling for a little spring cleaning…

Sadly, most of us experience at least a couple of these uncomfortable symptoms on a regular basis. What most of us don’t realize is that these renegade reactions are actually messages from our bodies alerting us that something is out of balance!

Caroline’s DETOX at home online health and wellness programs

With more people creating a sanctuary at home, and finding refuge from the chaos of life, it makes sense that we’ll be looking for more at home wellness offerings, just like my DETOX at home, the 8 days online program. Online health and wellness programs, and digitally accessible health plans will become increasingly popular, so people can do what they love, no matter where they are in the world.

Read more here: http://www.carolinebienert.com/de/book-workshop.html