
The transition from home to childcare is a very big step for both parents and child. Childcare is essential for every child to grow in a healthy environment with other children of the same age. It has several positive effects on the growth of a child.

Parents need to let their children learn in an environment away from home and for children to grow independent. The results of learning and growing in a group can do wonders in shaping a child’s individual personality. Social skills and the need to coexist with one another start at a childcare.

It is, however, also important to make sure that the childcare you choose is qualified in providing an environment that facilitates learning and development as well as creates a safe, secure and positive atmosphere. The entire time spent by a child in a childcare must be productively utilized to enhance the learning and development; keeping in sync with the basic necessities. The staff need to be professional and understand the exact requirements of the child. It is necessary to have an open interaction to understand the process and program your child will follow and to deliver your expectations and needs. When choosing childcare the first analysis must be of the physical environment – cleanliness, hygiene, what toys and activities are present and the general enthusiasm of staff and children. It’s then time to go further with questions about the practices and schedule. Talk to the staff and ascertain a picture what your child’s day will be like.                                                                                      

It is important to understand the costs, extra fees, if any, ensure the child care is registered, the material you need to provide, extra services, and other administrative needs. It is also necessary to be clear on the line of communication. You need to be in complete touch with your child’s learnings and know how the changes and developments will be communicated to you.

Preparing your child is also crucial. Try to make it sound fun and exciting for the child. Talk to them and take them for a visit to have a general look and feel of the childcare. Introduce the child to the staff and wait before you turn around and leave them.

Talk to your child openly and on a regular basis to understand if they like it, have a problem, or any other issue that they may have. It’s a big exciting adventure!

Categories: Development Child