Child Development

As parents, it is normal to worry about your child’s progress in terms of development. It is true that every child is different and will develop at their individual rate.  It can be easy to wonder if there is something wrong with your child if you find that they are behind their peers. There are some developmental problems that can occur in children and understanding how to help you child will help you overcome any issues. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, you can ask your pediatrician and they can let you know what is normal and refer you to a specialist if there is something wrong.

One of the fields that have the most concern for a child is their social and their emotional development. It is important to make sure your child is on track in developing in these areas. Children rely on this crucial time of development to lay a strong foundation for when they become adults. Social and emotional growth is how a child handles various situations and how they interact with others. A lot of this growth is influenced by how the child is brought up, though some are just as a result of your child’s particular nature or if they have any special needs. For instance, if a child learns good habits from watching their parents they will likely follow that lead. A strong relationship between a parent and a child will help your child also success in other social areas.

There are developmental guidelines that exist for older children as well. Let’s focus on a child that is around 5 years old. A child who is 5 should be able to manage their feelings and have the capabilities of facing social situations with a higher level of independence. A child this age will typically also be able to form friendships and will start to learn things like how to compromise or negotiate. A 5 year old will also typically have the ability to understand how to comfort themselves using a variety of strategies in a positive manner. At this age, they will have an expanded vocabulary so that they can adequately communicate their feelings and to express empathy.

You need to keep an eye on how well your child is making friends and interacting with others. If you notice a problem, you may want to speak to a trusted professional about any concerns that you may have. The internet is a great resource, as is your pediatrician, as to what is normal and expected of your child at their specific age group.

There are a lot of changes that your child will go through in a very short amount of time. At times, these changes can be confusing and worrying for you and it helps to understand any signs of problems by discussing them with a professional. Usually these issues can be remedied. As an example, if your child is behind in reading skills and you take note early enough, you can get your child the help that they need in order to catch up and learn strategies to help keep them there.

Categories: Development Child