Changing Station Check list – make sure you’re prepared!

Choosing and maintaining a changing station

Whether it is a stand-alone changing table or a set up dresser or desk, the furniture used during diaper changing must be at least 90 to 110 cm height so that the parents will not have to bend.

The changing table should also be stable with a lot of storage space options like shelves, drawers and baskets. In addition, the table should be placed against a wall, better in a corner, leaving no space between the two.

It’s important to place all the equipment needed during the change on the top of the table within arms-reach – but out of the baby’s reach – to avoid any distraction from watching the baby. It is also very important to always keep one hand on the baby so that he/she won’t fall off the table. The remaining stocked equipment should be kept in the table storage spaces.

Changing station check list

Your changing station should be well stocked and equipped with the following:

  • Diapers:

A number of diapers, disposable or cloth, should be stacked on the top of the table within arm reach, while storing the remaining in one of the table storage spaces.

  • Wipes

(hypoallergenic, alcohol-free and fragrance free) or soft washcloths or cotton balls soaked in warm water are all good options to clean the baby’s bottom.

  • Changing pad and changing pad covers:

Instead of having to wash the changing pad, using washable waterproof pad covers is more practical, especially that the covers are going to get dirty easily and must be washed regularly for hygienic reasons. We suggest that you purchase 1- 2 extra covers.

  • Diaper cream or ointment:

Use zinc oxide or petroleum jelly cream or ointment to prevent and to treat mild diaper rash. For serious rashes, a paediatrician should be consulted.

  • Diaper pail and laundry bin:

The diaper pail should be placed nearby, dirty clothes and dirty changing pad covers should go in the laundry bin. Make sure you separate cloth diapers of the dirty clothes, as diapers are germs carriers.

  • Clean baby clothes:

Sometimes baby clothes get dirty during the diaper changing. Hence, make sure to have spare outfits within arm’s reach so that your baby won’t get cold.

  • Pacifiers and other soothers and distraction toys:

A baby will not enjoy every diaper change. Keep little toys or a pacifier close by, to help pass these few minutes peacefully.

  • Baby health care kit:

It’s practical to keep all hygiene supplies in one place. The changing table can be the best place for clipping nails, rubbing lotion, taking temperature, giving the baby a dose of medicine and doing any other baby care tasks.

  • Hand sanitizer:

Using the hand sanitizer before and after the changing time is a practical and hygienic act if you don’t have the option for proper washing.

There are many different styles and options for your changing station and equipment and products, it will be up to you to decide but making sure your changing station is the appropriate height, that safety is your number one concern and that all you need it to hand will help make a regular chore much easier.