Ask the Experts

Raising a child is not an easy task! Every day brings in new challenges for the parents that can cause anxiety, panic and chaos in the house! The baby is not feeling well, not eating, has an upset stomach, is crying and wailing are some of many of the situations that can leave the parents confused and in doubt. Each child is unique so the answers and solutions are unique too.

For first time parents every little detail is new and for those with children already, every child can bring in a new set of challenges and doubts. Also, with the constant changing baby products market, it is not possible to know the best of them all. Baby foods and products are available in a wide range today and one can never be sure what to choose. So what do you do? Well, as always, when in doubt, ask the experts!

Families and friends around you who have babies will readily offer solutions and advice; but as said earlier no two children are the same, so what worked for their children may not work for yours! In most cases, asking people around you can increase the doubts manifold. The internet provides information for everything but the right solution or choice for your baby cannot be based on search engine reviews!

When you take your child for regular checkups, make the most of it. Tell the doctors everything that you notice about your child – patterns, behavior, habits – everything! Prepare questions that you are unsure of and understand from an expert. If you notice certain characteristics that you don’t fully comprehend, ask the doctor and get a detailed understanding. Always ask the doctor before you introduce a new food to the baby to know about the allergens for your child. When ill, instead of administering medications on your own, let a doctor check and prescribe the medicines. Self-medication can lead to hazards!

The doctors are experts who understand children and child development and needs. What may be making you panic could be an everyday issue handled by your doctor! It is important to keep your child’s doctor in your emergency contacts list. That said, you do not need to run to the doctor at the first sign of confusion. Unless serious, try to observe the pattern or situation for 2-3 days, if it persists then go to the doctor.

Advice from an expert will increase your confidence and ease your mind, and is always the safest option when you have a young child.

Categories: Baby Arabia Tips